SNS Survey analysis

 SNS Survey Analysis

My research topic:SNS


Number of respondents:6

(Summary) Students answered 11 questions about ice cream.



This shows most are 19 years old and about 30% students are 20 years old.

This isn't surprise results that most of students are second year.

フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: What is your age?
。回答数: 6 件の回答。


This shows more than half students use SNS and other students use sometimes.

From this results we can think most of all students in university use SNS.

フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: Do you use SNS?。回答数: 6 件の回答。 


This shows that university students use Instagram and Line the most.Moreover, there are just 1 students using Facebook, it seems nowadays young people favor Instagram more than Facebook.

フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: What kind of SNS do you use?。回答数: 6 件の回答。


This shows more than a half students use SNS 1-2hours per day and a few students more than 2 hours, but none of students answer less than 1 hour. It makes me feel anxious about future.

フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: On average, how much time do you spend on social media per day?
。回答数: 6 件の回答。


This shows that what are the favorite things for students about using social media.

It seems most students likely to know new things from SNS.

This shows a half of students use SNS for communicate with other.
I was surprised that some students use SNS for get information and some news.
フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: What do you primarily use social media for?
。回答数: 6 件の回答。
This shows most of social media are used to see somebody else and not to post their self.
I thought that's why all young people now some same stuff.
フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: Which of the following activities do you do on social media? (Select all that apply)
。回答数: 。
This shows that around  of  half students are thinking social media has a good effect for their lives.
フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: Rate your overall experience with social media
。回答数: 6 件の回答。
Graph #9
This shows that half of people thinks positive for SNS.
フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: Do you think social media has had a positive or negative impact on your life?
。回答数: 6 件の回答。
This shows that the most students are concern about privacy and misinformation.
フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: What concerns, if any, do you have about social media? (Select all that apply)
。回答数: 6 件の回答。
This shows that some opinions about SNS.

These shows very interesting results that most of students love SNS but they do have some concerns.


  1. i need to pay attention when i use SNS

  2. There are a lot of question. That's all you need for a good analysus.

  3. This analysus shows the good points and bad points of SNS well.

  4. I agree with Canva is nice app.


